Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Leonardo Da Vinci......

Leonardo Da Vinci........

Sunday the History Channel did hour and a half long show describing Leonardo Da Vinci's life. I learned far more about the man I had assumed I knew. It also left me with a few questions:

1)Was he born with a higher intelligence, or was it his almost boundless curiosity that formed his intellect into a fine tuned machine?

2)Did he understand that developing a higher intelligence needs a physical input as well as a mental input?

3)Is there another Leonardo Da Vinci walking among us?

I really do think there is something to be said about a physical application driving a higher intellect. He drew out his ideas. He built models. He held what he studied, almost seeming to let the lessons of the experience seep into his skin and let the knowledge be carried into his brain via his bloodstream.

I do wonder if there is someone walking this earth who's thinking is so radical and forward that he would measure up to Leonardo. Would we pay attention to the person today. Hell, would the person even know he measured up to Leonardo.

Last,imagine what he would think of today's world.

Would he be surprised? Disappointed?

I cant say.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done on a nice blog Omphalos Gazer. I was searching for information on Leonardo da Vinci biography and came across your post Leonardo Da Vinci...... - not quite what I was looking for related to Leonardo da Vinci biography but very interesting all the same!

Well we're already into 2006 and I wish you all the best. I'm doing a lot of original work on Leonardo, including looking in detail at the technical drawings of machines and human anatomy. We're also publishing a detailed analysis of the Last Supper and Annunciation, which should be quite interesting.

If you do have a moment, please take a look at our latest galery on: Leonardo da Vinci .

Wishing you well in the new year! Amon

9:15 PM  

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