Screwing around.
Nothing new or earth shattering here. Just playing a bit trying to get a different feel.
I am going to purchase a Holga though. 120mm Toy camera I have recently read being referred to as the pin hole camera of today. Its a plastic camera that one can buy for under $30.00 US. I want it for the odd looks it sometimes gives. Also I want the larger format and to be able to shoot a 6x6 negative. I find I am often cropping images to a square frame, knowing when I shoot the shot I am going to crop it anyway.
Both shots Kodak TCN 400. Played with in PS.
P.S. I am going to make it to Weatons tomorrow! I went out last night in the fog with a roll of Fuji Superia 1600 to see what I could get hand held. Time to get the chems for developing.
I am going to purchase a Holga though. 120mm Toy camera I have recently read being referred to as the pin hole camera of today. Its a plastic camera that one can buy for under $30.00 US. I want it for the odd looks it sometimes gives. Also I want the larger format and to be able to shoot a 6x6 negative. I find I am often cropping images to a square frame, knowing when I shoot the shot I am going to crop it anyway.
Both shots Kodak TCN 400. Played with in PS.
P.S. I am going to make it to Weatons tomorrow! I went out last night in the fog with a roll of Fuji Superia 1600 to see what I could get hand held. Time to get the chems for developing.
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