Saturday, October 15, 2005


Today is the service for my father. I got up at 5:00am this morning to write the eulogy. I had started it last night. Twice the puter erased what I had started so I gave up and thought I would sleep on it. I am glad I did.

I was going to give it a third try on the puter but decided instead to write it directly into my journal. Now I will have those words to reflect on whenever I want. A good thing.

I basically started a few paragraphs, reread them, then decided to let it just flow and close the cover when I was done not to be opened or reread again until they are orated in the church.

Will they be worthy of the moment? I am not sure. I do know they will be heartfelt and meant as an honest reflection of my father and my family. And I will be content with that. It has been a long few days. The weather has not helped. 9 days of constant rain with the possibility of a let up today. John said it would be fitting. The mourning has passed and life begins anew.

Rain nor time will wash away the memories of my father. These last few months the lessoned passed from father to son have made me a better man. A stronger man. A happier man. A wiser man.

What more could a son ask of his father?

What more could a father give?

I now know without doubt I will see him again. I also know without a doubt when I join him he will embrace me, arms no longer weak and thin with sickness, but strong and long, wrapped around me warmly and with love thankfull I took what he gave me in parting.

As is my nature, as was my fathers, I may cry as I read before all at the church but know ye now those tears are not of sadness nor remorse. They will be salted with love, happiness, and a renewed understanding.

Love, the gift that never quits giving.


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