The Frikkin Patriots, my new Holga, and one more shot from Worcester Common.
O.K. Let me get this out of the way first.........
Those G*ddamn Lousy Sons Of Bitches! I have never seen a team actually beat itself as bad as the Patriots did last night! They deserved to lose and I hope they get massive hemorrhoids from sitting on their asses watching the playoffs at home like the rest of us. I still have my Chicago Bears to root for but Son Of a Bitch! I should be cheering Patriots dammit! Every true fan in Patsville is looking for a dog to kick today so beware..........
OK I feel better..........No I don't!
OK, NOW I feel better, for now.
On to my Holga.....
I will let the Wikipedia entry explain just exactly what a Holga is:
"The Holga is a medium format toy camera. First produced in Hong Kong in 1982, its name may be a corruption of the Cantonese phrase "ho gwong"Â"very bright."
The camera has a following among toy camera enthusiasts and LOMO photographers. The low-fidelity 60mm f/8 plastic lens exhibits many serious faults including soft focus, vignetting, and chromatic aberrations. The plastic camera body is no less prone to fault, often allowing light leaks and failing to hold the 120 size film flat against the film plane when used in its 6x6cm aspect ratio mode, without its 6x4.5cm frame insert. Also, multiple exposures are possible as there is no shutter interlock. In other words, the film advance and shutter are independent, whereas in most contemporary cameras the shutter of a camera is cocked simultaneously with the advance of the film as the film advance lever is wound or flicked. Problems with fogging and scratched negatives are also aplenty. The low-tech aspects of Holga photography often associate it with the pinhole camera.
While these elements are typically seen as undesirable consequences of poor design and engineering, many users find the unpredictable and abstract results fascinating and desirable."
Its a beautiful thing isnt it? Actually wanting to by crap specifically for its lack of quality. Images from it do have a distinct look. Light fall off on the edges, vignetting, iffy focus, and lightwispss and fog. Love it. It in a way takes the art of photography out of the hand of the multi function cameras of today and places it back in the hands of the photographer.
Where it belongs.
The shot below was from the same night I shot the others a post below. One thing about it is even without a little PS tweak the image appears almost as a painting in the neg. Its been slightly cropped.
Those G*ddamn Lousy Sons Of Bitches! I have never seen a team actually beat itself as bad as the Patriots did last night! They deserved to lose and I hope they get massive hemorrhoids from sitting on their asses watching the playoffs at home like the rest of us. I still have my Chicago Bears to root for but Son Of a Bitch! I should be cheering Patriots dammit! Every true fan in Patsville is looking for a dog to kick today so beware..........
OK I feel better..........No I don't!
OK, NOW I feel better, for now.
On to my Holga.....
I will let the Wikipedia entry explain just exactly what a Holga is:
"The Holga is a medium format toy camera. First produced in Hong Kong in 1982, its name may be a corruption of the Cantonese phrase "ho gwong"Â"very bright."
The camera has a following among toy camera enthusiasts and LOMO photographers. The low-fidelity 60mm f/8 plastic lens exhibits many serious faults including soft focus, vignetting, and chromatic aberrations. The plastic camera body is no less prone to fault, often allowing light leaks and failing to hold the 120 size film flat against the film plane when used in its 6x6cm aspect ratio mode, without its 6x4.5cm frame insert. Also, multiple exposures are possible as there is no shutter interlock. In other words, the film advance and shutter are independent, whereas in most contemporary cameras the shutter of a camera is cocked simultaneously with the advance of the film as the film advance lever is wound or flicked. Problems with fogging and scratched negatives are also aplenty. The low-tech aspects of Holga photography often associate it with the pinhole camera.
While these elements are typically seen as undesirable consequences of poor design and engineering, many users find the unpredictable and abstract results fascinating and desirable."
Its a beautiful thing isnt it? Actually wanting to by crap specifically for its lack of quality. Images from it do have a distinct look. Light fall off on the edges, vignetting, iffy focus, and lightwispss and fog. Love it. It in a way takes the art of photography out of the hand of the multi function cameras of today and places it back in the hands of the photographer.
Where it belongs.
The shot below was from the same night I shot the others a post below. One thing about it is even without a little PS tweak the image appears almost as a painting in the neg. Its been slightly cropped.
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